Source code for gillcup_graphics.transformation

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"""Transformation objects

The Transformation interface is implemented by several classes that have used
whenever info about graphics objects' position, scale, rotation, etc. are

A graphic object's ``transform`` method takes a Transformation object and
calls its ``translate``, ``scale``, ``rotate`` or ``premultiply`` methods.
While ``premultiply`` is the most general, the other methods are more
straightforward to use and often much faster.

For drawing, a GlTransformation object, which will update the OpenGL state
directly, is passed to the method. For hit tests and mouse events, a
PointTransformation is used.

Each transformation object implements a stack modeled on the OpenGL matrix
stack: any state can be saved with ``push``, and the last-pushed state
restored with ``pop``. The ``state`` context manager simplifies working with
the stack.

from __future__ import division

# Some of the more crazy matrix stuff is based on the GameObjects library by
#  Will McGugan, which is today, unfortunately, without an official licence,
#  but the author wishes it to be used without restrictions:
#   #comment146

from math import sin, cos, pi
import contextlib

from pyglet import gl

tau = 2 * pi
deg_to_rad = tau / 360

[docs]class BaseTransformation(object): """Base for all transformations: contains common functionality Transformations are based on a 3D affine transformation matrix (a 4x4 matrix where the last column is [0 0 0 1]) """ @property @contextlib.contextmanager def state(self): """Context manager wrapping push() and pop()""" self.push() try: yield finally: self.pop()
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the matrix to identity""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def push(self): """Push the matrix state: the corresponding pop() will return here You probably want to use ``state`` instead. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def pop(self): """Restore matrix saved by the corresponding push() call""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def premultiply(self, values): """Premultiply the given matrix to self, in situ :param values: An iterable of 16 matrix elements in row-major (C) order """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def translate(self, x=0, y=0, z=0): """Change the transformatin to represent moving an object The object is moved, without rotating, along the vector [x y z]. """ self.premultiply(( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, x, y, z, 1, ))
[docs] def rotate(self, angle, x=0, y=0, z=1): """Change the transformatin to represent rotating an object The object is rotated `angle` degrees along the axis specified by the vector [x y z]. This must be an unit vector (i.e. x² + y² + z² = 1) """ if not angle: return c = cos(angle * deg_to_rad) s = sin(angle * deg_to_rad) d = 1 - c xs = x * s ys = y * s zs = z * s xd = x * d yd = y * d zd = z * d self.premultiply(( x * xd + c, y * xd + zs, x * zd - ys, 0, x * yd - zs, y * yd + c, y * zd + xs, 0, x * zd + ys, y * zd - xs, z * zd + c, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, ))
[docs] def scale(self, x=1, y=1, z=1): """Change the transformatin to represent scaling an object The object is rotated `angle` degrees along the axis specified by the vector [x y z]. This must be an unit vector (i.e. x² + y² + z² = 1) """ self.premultiply(( x, 0, 0, 0, 0, y, 0, 0, 0, 0, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, ))
[docs]class GlTransformation(BaseTransformation): """OpenGL implementation: affects the OpenGL state directly """ def reset(self): gl.glLoadIdentity() def push(self): gl.glPushMatrix() def pop(self): gl.glPopMatrix() def translate(self, x=0, y=0, z=0): if x or y or z: gl.glTranslatef(x, y, z) def rotate(self, angle, x=0, y=0, z=1): if angle: gl.glRotatef(angle, x, y, z) def scale(self, x=1, y=1, z=1): if x != 1 or y != 1 or z != 1: gl.glScalef(x, y, z) def premultiply(self, values): gl.glMultMatrixf(*values)
[docs]class PointTransformation(BaseTransformation): """Transformation for a single point The ``point`` attribute corresponds to the vector given to the constructor transformed by whatever transformation was applied to this object. """ def __init__(self, x, y, z): super(PointTransformation, self).__init__() self.point = self.original_point = x, y, z self.stack = [] def reset(self): self.point = self.original_point def push(self): self.stack.append(self.point) def pop(self): self.point = self.stack.pop() def translate(self, x=0, y=0, z=0): px, py, pz = self.point self.point = px - x, py - y, pz - z def scale(self, x=1, y=1, z=1): px, py, pz = self.point self.point = px / x, py / y, pz / z def rotate(self, angle, x=0, y=0, z=1): if not angle: return elif x == y == 0 and z == 1: # Cheaper rotation in the x-y axis c = cos(angle * deg_to_rad) s = sin(angle * deg_to_rad) denom = c * c + s * s pt_x, pt_y, pt_z = self.point self.point = ( (pt_y * s) / denom + (pt_x * c) / denom, (pt_y * c) / denom - (pt_x * s) / denom, pt_z) else: super(PointTransformation, self).rotate(angle, x, y, z) def premultiply(self, values): (xx, yx, zx, dummy, xy, yy, zy, dummy, xz, yz, zz, dummy, x1, y1, z1, dummy) = values x, y, z = self.point # calculate the dot product, [x y z 1] · invert(matrix) # Don't we all love matrices? self.point = ( (-xy * (yz * z1 - y1 * zz) + yy * (xz * z1 - x1 * zz) - (xz * y1 - x1 * yz) * zy) / (xx * (yy * zz - yz * zy) + yx * (xz * zy - xy * zz) + (xy * yz - xz * yy) * zx) + (x * (yy * zz - yz * zy)) / (xx * (yy * zz - yz * zy) + yx * (xz * zy - xy * zz) + (xy * yz - xz * yy) * zx) + (y * (xz * zy - xy * zz)) / (xx * (yy * zz - yz * zy) + yx * (xz * zy - xy * zz) + (xy * yz - xz * yy) * zx) + ((xy * yz - xz * yy) * z) / (xx * (yy * zz - yz * zy) + yx * (xz * zy - xy * zz) + (xy * yz - xz * yy) * zx), (xx * (yz * z1 - y1 * zz) - yx * (xz * z1 - x1 * zz) + (xz * y1 - x1 * yz) * zx) / (xx * (yy * zz - yz * zy) + yx * (xz * zy - xy * zz) + (xy * yz - xz * yy) * zx) + (x * (yz * zx - yx * zz)) / (xx * (yy * zz - yz * zy) + yx * (xz * zy - xy * zz) + (xy * yz - xz * yy) * zx) + (y * (xx * zz - xz * zx)) / (xx * (yy * zz - yz * zy) + yx * (xz * zy - xy * zz) + (xy * yz - xz * yy) * zx) + ((xz * yx - xx * yz) * z) / (xx * (yy * zz - yz * zy) + yx * (xz * zy - xy * zz) + (xy * yz - xz * yy) * zx), (-xx * (yy * z1 - y1 * zy) + yx * (xy * z1 - x1 * zy) - (xy * y1 - x1 * yy) * zx) / (xx * (yy * zz - yz * zy) + yx * (xz * zy - xy * zz) + (xy * yz - xz * yy) * zx) + (x * (yx * zy - yy * zx)) / (xx * (yy * zz - yz * zy) + yx * (xz * zy - xy * zz) + (xy * yz - xz * yy) * zx) + (y * (xy * zx - xx * zy)) / (xx * (yy * zz - yz * zy) + yx * (xz * zy - xy * zz) + (xy * yz - xz * yy) * zx) + ((xx * yy - xy * yx) * z) / (xx * (yy * zz - yz * zy) + yx * (xz * zy - xy * zz) + (xy * yz - xz * yy) * zx), )
[docs]class MatrixTransformation(BaseTransformation): """A Transformation with a full, queryable result matrix. """ def __init__(self): super(MatrixTransformation, self).__init__() self.matrix = self.identity self.stack = [] identity = ( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, )
[docs] def __len__(self): """Return `16`, the size of the matrix.""" return 16
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item): """Get a number from the matrix. Supports (x, y) pairs, or single ints. Note that __len__ and __getitem__ are one variant of the iteration protocol: MatrixTransformation supports iter() as well. """ try: col, row = item except TypeError: return self.matrix[item] else: return self.matrix[row * 4 + col]
def reset(self): self.matrix = self.identity def push(self): self.stack.append(self.matrix) def pop(self): self.matrix = self.stack.pop() def premultiply(self, values): (m1_0, m1_1, m1_2, m1_3, m1_4, m1_5, m1_6, m1_7, m1_8, m1_9, m1_10, m1_11, m1_12, m1_13, m1_14, m1_15, ) = self.matrix (m2_0, m2_1, m2_2, m2_3, m2_4, m2_5, m2_6, m2_7, m2_8, m2_9, m2_10, m2_11, m2_12, m2_13, m2_14, m2_15, ) = values self.matrix = ( m2_0 * m1_0 + m2_1 * m1_4 + m2_2 * m1_8 + m2_3 * m1_12, m2_0 * m1_1 + m2_1 * m1_5 + m2_2 * m1_9 + m2_3 * m1_13, m2_0 * m1_2 + m2_1 * m1_6 + m2_2 * m1_10 + m2_3 * m1_14, m2_0 * m1_3 + m2_1 * m1_7 + m2_2 * m1_11 + m2_3 * m1_15, m2_4 * m1_0 + m2_5 * m1_4 + m2_6 * m1_8 + m2_7 * m1_12, m2_4 * m1_1 + m2_5 * m1_5 + m2_6 * m1_9 + m2_7 * m1_13, m2_4 * m1_2 + m2_5 * m1_6 + m2_6 * m1_10 + m2_7 * m1_14, m2_4 * m1_3 + m2_5 * m1_7 + m2_6 * m1_11 + m2_7 * m1_15, m2_8 * m1_0 + m2_9 * m1_4 + m2_10 * m1_8 + m2_11 * m1_12, m2_8 * m1_1 + m2_9 * m1_5 + m2_10 * m1_9 + m2_11 * m1_13, m2_8 * m1_2 + m2_9 * m1_6 + m2_10 * m1_10 + m2_11 * m1_14, m2_8 * m1_3 + m2_9 * m1_7 + m2_10 * m1_11 + m2_11 * m1_15, m2_12 * m1_0 + m2_13 * m1_4 + m2_14 * m1_8 + m2_15 * m1_12, m2_12 * m1_1 + m2_13 * m1_5 + m2_14 * m1_9 + m2_15 * m1_13, m2_12 * m1_2 + m2_13 * m1_6 + m2_14 * m1_10 + m2_15 * m1_14, m2_12 * m1_3 + m2_13 * m1_7 + m2_14 * m1_11 + m2_15 * m1_15, ) m = self.matrix assert m[3] == 0 assert m[7] == 0 assert m[11] == 0 assert m[15] == 1
[docs] def transform_point(self, x=0, y=0, z=0): """Return the given vector multiplied by this matrix Returns a 3-element iterable """ (m1_0, m1_1, m1_2, m1_3, m1_4, m1_5, m1_6, m1_7, m1_8, m1_9, m1_10, m1_11, m1_12, m1_13, m1_14, m1_15, ) = self.inverse return ( x * m1_0 + y * m1_4 + z * m1_8 + m1_12, x * m1_1 + y * m1_5 + z * m1_9 + m1_13, x * m1_2 + y * m1_6 + z * m1_10 + m1_14, )
@property def inverse(self): """The inverse (matrix with the opposite effect) of this matrix. N.B. Only works with transformation martices (ones where the last column is identity) Returns a 16-element iterable """ (i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10, i11, i12, i13, i14, i15, ) = self.matrix negpos = [0, 0] temp = i0 * i5 * i10 negpos[temp > 0] += temp temp = i1 * i6 * i8 negpos[temp > 0] += temp temp = i2 * i4 * i9 negpos[temp > 0] += temp temp = -i2 * i5 * i8 negpos[temp > 0] += temp temp = -i1 * i4 * i10 negpos[temp > 0] += temp temp = -i0 * i6 * i9 negpos[temp > 0] += temp det_1 = negpos[0] + negpos[1] if (det_1 == 0) or (abs(det_1 / (negpos[1] - negpos[0])) < (2 * 0.00000000000000001)): raise ValueError("Matrix can not be inverted") det_1 = 1 / det_1 m = [(i5 * i10 - i6 * i9) * det_1, -(i1 * i10 - i2 * i9) * det_1, (i1 * i6 - i2 * i5) * det_1, 0, -(i4 * i10 - i6 * i8) * det_1, (i0 * i10 - i2 * i8) * det_1, -(i0 * i6 - i2 * i4) * det_1, 0, (i4 * i9 - i5 * i8) * det_1, -(i0 * i9 - i1 * i8) * det_1, (i0 * i5 - i1 * i4) * det_1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] m[12] = - (i12 * m[0] + i13 * m[4] + i14 * m[8]) m[13] = - (i12 * m[1] + i13 * m[5] + i14 * m[9]) m[14] = - (i12 * m[2] + i13 * m[6] + i14 * m[10]) return m